Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A barren womb would seal my fate.

Okay so my first post on my other blog was long, nearly two pages by my estimate, So I'm just gonna do a small introduction and be done with it. Hi I'm Daniel, I'm a crazy motherfucker who swears like a trucker, I have delusions of grandeur – if you read my other blog you already know this -, and I also fancy myself a writer. I've made this blog so I could post my work and get feed back other than, “Oh, Daniel that was good.” from my friends and family.

Hmm, what else do you people need to know about me? When I write I don't normally use an outline, I usually let the words just leap from my fingertips. Some times I will just get a picture and I have to write it, if I can't I won't sleep. 
I've almost never written from an outline and this might be my problem. When I write I know only a little more than the reader, well that is if the reader is reading as I'm typing. Oh typing, I love writing on the computer but it makes my fingers ache and I prefer to write the new stuff in pen so when I type it up I can just correct it as I go. Also I almost have to listen to music when I write, almost exclusively Inkubus Sukkubus. Well I think I'm done.